Chikio Hayashi Award

1. Description of the award

This award is given biannually to young researchers working in the area of Classification, Clustering and related topics. All candidates must be aged at least 30 years but no more than 34 years on 1 July 2022 and must be authors of a paper to be presented at the IFCS Conference.

2. Applicability and disbursement of the award

Awards: $1000 each award, plus plaque (the maximum number of awards for a given year will be set by the Executive Committee based on budgetary constraints).

Applicability: The number of awards should not depend on the number of applications, just on quality and budgetary constraints.

Disbursement of the award: It is compulsory that a candidate who has been selected for an award attends the IFCS conference and presents a paper in a scientific session. Under this condition, the IFCS Treasurer (or a designated representative by the President of IFCS) shall pay the award and give a certificate to the winners during the ceremony for awards of the IFCS Conference.

3. Application for the award

The young researcher has to be nominated by nominator who has to provide:

• an application form with his/her name and contact details; the candidate’s name and contact details; a supporting statement of no longer than one A4 page of 11pt text; 

• a CV of the candidate with information according to the provided template, including the list of the top recent publications with citation count for each paper (CV template);

• two referees who will provide, in the due time (under the responsibility of the nominator), reports of a maximum of 1500 characters (spaces are not included) in length on the list of papers and CV of the candidate. Please note that if documents exceed the stated length, the extra content will not be passed to the Awards Committee. One letter can be written by the nominator.


4. Criteria of the evaluation

Originality of research, impact of research, quality of publications, innovation, collaborations and teamwork, other indicators of esteem reported by the nominator.

5. Required information

• the candidate's name and date of birth;

• contact details of the candidate (address, phone, e-mail);

• the candidate's memberships in IFCS Member Societies;

• the candidate's experience, expertise or education in classification, data analysis and related areas and contributions to these domains including any publications (with full references);

• the title of the paper submitted by the candidate at the conference.


Deadline for nomination is February 14, 2022 February 28, 2022.

The Award Committe does not guarantee that nominations received thereafter would be considered.

Nominations must be submitted to IFCS Secretary Andrzej Dudek (

Awards Committee

Maurizio Vichi (chair), Abby Flynt, Tadashi Imaizumi, Józef Pociecha, Christian Hennig, Andrzej Dudek (IFCS secretary).